Since the beginning of the full-scale war, businesses have been reorganized on war rails. However, it should be taken into account. How to use that many brands have changed their target audience, or their intentions. Therefore, before setting up a target or systematically communicating, we advise you to update the CA porter, as we at OhMyGod agency did for our own projects and client brand pages. In addition to traditional . How to useanalytics services, study the audience “by hand” to understand the motives of behavior and find insights.

How to use Subscribers subscription

We share three personally tested methods. In Europe Mobile Number List social networks, users “come” to brand pages, share their impressions in stories and publications – all that remains is to collect all these insights. Where to collect: in the comments of competitors. There you will “hear” the audience, what it lacks and what interests it. And monitoring will help not to repeat, even accidentally, competitors and create engaging content; in the profile. Open and closed polls, comments, direct messages, notes in stories — monitor feedback, answer requests and listen to wishes in subscribers’ subscriptions. Pick 50 random followers and see who these people follow.

The comments of competitors

Recurring Georgia Mobile Database​ publics and bloggers are possible partners for mutual PR. METHOD 2: ASK GOOGLE If Google knows everything and constantly boasts information in the style of “3.5 million queries in 0.73 seconds”, then it will also find information about the target audience of the brand. Example: in Google Trends. The service will show how much interest in a request has grown or fallen in the network, compare the statistics of several requests. There is no behavioral audience data in Google Trends, but queries can be segmented by region, filtered by time, and gain perspective; in Google Maps . First, add your brand to Google Maps.


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