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You’ll be able to confidently answer questions like.

How does content lead to sales? How much time and money should you spend on it? • Does content really have revenue-driving value? How much and how often should content be created? Let’s get started! Become a Certified Content Marketing Master What’s Included: 64 Lessons from 5 Content Marketing Experts 5 Workbook Guides 53 Follow-along Worksheets Done-for-you Design Templates Content ROI Calculator 1 FINAL Exam Plus, upon successful completion of the course and Final Exam you will also receive: A badge designating you as a Content Marketing Specialist that can be hosted on your website, email signature and LinkedIn profile A digital, printable Certificate suitable for framing Status and recognition as a Certified Content Marketing Specialist Get Certified For Just $495 Get Certified What Will I Learn? 1 MODULE 1 2 MODULE 2 3 MODULE 3 4 MODULE 4 5 MODULE 5 6 MODULE 6 7 MODULE 7 8 MODULE 8 Module 1 Overview Getting Started Lesson.

How To Understand Content Marketing Lesson 2 Here’s Content Development & Appraisal

Framework Lesson 3 What Is Content Marketing? Lesson 4 Why Content Marketing Matters PLUS You’ll Know. How To How to Use Content Marketing to Drive TG Number List Leads & Sales. How to Produce Limitless Content in a Manageable & Effective. Manner How to Connect Content Marketing. to Your Greater Content Strategy Seamlessly. Integrate Content with Your Email Marketing. SEO, Paid Advertising, and Social Media Marketing Strategies. How to Use Content to Boost Brand/Company Valuation. How to Turn Your Website Into a Destination. Rather Than a Stop-off Point What You’ll Get Content marketing has been overly complicated. Explained, and misunderstood for TOO LONG. You know brands need it, you want to do it, but you’re afraid of wasting. Time and money on a method you JUST DON’T GET. How does content lead to sales. How much time and money should you spend on it? Does content really have revenue-driving value? Understanding.

True Business Value of Content Creation Connecting an ROI to Content Creation.

Where Content Creation Fits with Overall Strategy. How to Create Content Without Overusing Internal Company Resources. How to Use Hong Kong Data Content to Increase Overall Brand/Company Value Meet. Your Instructors Mark de Grasse. Mark de Grasse Mark de Grasse is the President of DigitalMarketer. an eLearning company focused on skill development for professional marketers, marketing agencies, and small business owners. Mark is a content strategist focused on integrated. genuine approaches to marketing and management, and he has been working in content development since the mid-2000’s, creating tens of thousands of articles, graphics, videos, and podcasts over the years. Casey O’Quinn Casey O’Quinn is the Founder of Award-Winning Marketing Agency. Gravity Digital based in Houston, Texas. For over 20 years at Gravity. Digital Casey has served as an advocate for businesses that have wasted money on advertising that doesn’t work. By helping them build engaging brands and become market leaders.

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